Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Prediction Of Lower Cardiovascular Risk For Pet Holders (Data Mining)

Volume 12 Issue 2 October - December 2017

Research Paper

Prediction Of Lower Cardiovascular Risk For Pet Holders (Data Mining)

R. Sivasharmili*
PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Women's Christian College, Chennai, India.
Sivasharmili, R. (2017). Prediction of Lower Cardiovascular Risk for Pet Owners (Data Mining). i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 12(2), 37-43.


Heart Diseases have been the leading cause of death for decades. The proportion of deaths caused by heart disease is nearly 25% per year around the world. Therefore, there is a need for new potential strategies to reduce the risk factors of Cardiovascular disease (CVD). The objective of the research is, linking heart health and owning a pet, as holding a pet is probably associated with a lower risk of heart disease for those without a history of heart problems, and with the greater survival rates among heart disease patients. For the risk factors, medical dataset that has attributes such as age, sex, chest pain type, cholesterol level, blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, obesity and hereditary are collected. Finally, the review of the available data suggests that, owning a pet likely reduces the risk of developing heart disease or worsening it. The research is implemented in WEKA tool, using Association rule along with the Apriori algorithm.

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