Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Multithreading in Game Development

Volume 13 Issue 4 April - June 2019

Research Paper

Multithreading in Game Development

Sainath Prasanna*, Shraddhaa Mohan**, Vallidevi Krishnamurthy ***
*_*** Department of Computer Science, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai, India.
Prasanna, S., Mohan, S., Krishnamurthy, V. (2019). Multithreading in Game Development. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 34-42.


In this paper, the use and importance of multithreading is discussed using the example of a basic game development in the java environment. This paper talks about how the concept of multithreading allows programmers to write simpler, more easily understandable code when it comes to making games or any other application that can be viewed as, being broken down into several independent tasks. In this paper, the difference in approaching a problem say game development in two ways - a single threaded model and a multithreaded model has been elucidated. With the experimentation, it has been concluded that in terms of performance and ease of development, multithreaded programming is better in all means.

Student Data Integration and Consolidation System

Volume 13 Issue 4 April - June 2019

Research Paper

Student Data Integration and Consolidation System

Nishith Khandor*, Dhruv Mehta**, Zirak Mistry***, Ayush Mittal****, Sagar Korde*****
*-***** K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Khandor, N., Dhruv, M., Mistry, Z., Mittal, A., & Korde, S. (2019). Student Data Integration and Consolidation System. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 24-33.


With the advent of Information Technology in today’s time, there is no dearth of increasing requirements for storing and retrieving data. As the data produced per year increases at an explosive rate, storing this data and representing it in a well-structured format and in a timely manner is one of the biggest issues today for the organizations and institutions. This paper proposes an approach to manage and access large amounts of distributed unstructured data of an organization in an efficient manner. Hence, a web-application has been designed to efficiently access and manage the data and to save precious time spent in accessing the distributed data. This system also makes an attempt to solve the problem of data availability and data accessibility, both of which are very important from an organization’s point of view that works with data on a day-to-day basis. Data security for organizations is very important and hence the system also incorporates a security feature with the help of the SSL technology which will ensure that data transfer remains private and integral over the internet during the client and server communication. Also the paper proposes the methodology which describes the basic features provided by the web-application along with a set of special features that can help reduce effort and provide useful analysis and data visualization based on the data of the organization.

Speech to 3D Scene Generation

Volume 13 Issue 4 April - June 2019

Review Paper

Speech to 3D Scene Generation

Manthan Turakhia*, Umang Nandu**, Prayesh Shah***, Siddharth Sharma****, Sagar Korde*****
*_*****Department of Information Technology, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, India.
Turakhia, M., Nandu, U., Shah, P., Sharma, S., & Korde, S. (2019). Speech to 3D Scene Generation. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4),16-23.


3D scenes and graphics are widely used in the creative industry. However, the entire task of imagination and then depicting the same as 3D graphics is done manually today, which consumes a lot of time, not to mention the inability to depict the scene precisely as imagined. We aim to reduce human efforts for the same by generating 3D scenes described by the user with precision.
On the other hand, some industries currently lack the use of appropriate technology to make their tasks easier and more captivating, such as the education industry. We intend to replace the existing methods of teaching and learning by using speech to 3D scene generation to depict exactly what the professor is trying to explain.

Time Estimation as Critical Factor of Software Failure: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol

Volume 13 Issue 4 April - June 2019

Research Paper

Time Estimation as Critical Factor of Software Failure: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol

Warda Shah*
City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Khyber, Pakistan.
Shah, W. (2019). Time Estimation as Critical Factor of Software Failure: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 10-15.


Time estimation is always considered as one of the success factor for any software project. The study is related to software projects failure and the role of time estimation in the success of any software project. The objective of this research is to find all those factors that can effect timely delivery of software and increase the actual time estimation. Findings these factors are necessary so that actions can be taken in the beginning of the project. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) will be conducted to achieve the aforementioned goals. SLR being more formally planned is different from ordinary literature review. SLR protocol is developed and executed in different digital libraries and as a result of inclusion and exclusion criteria applied, we have finalized more than 20 papers. The final output will be the extraction of all those factors from different research studies that can influence the estimated time of projects. The results will help us to identify any research gap where more work is possible for successful and timely delivery of software projects.

The Effect of Attacker on three of Sampling Strategies in Active Learning

Volume 13 Issue 4 April - June 2019

Research Paper

The Effect of Attacker on three of Sampling Strategies in Active Learning

Ghofran M. Alqaralleh*, Mohammad A. Alshraideh**, Ali Rodan***
*_***Department of Computer Science, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Alqaralleh, G. M., Alshraideh, M. A., & Alrodan, A. (2019). The Effect of Attacker on three of Sampling Strategies in Active Learning. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(4), 1-9.


Due to the importance of active learning, it is used in a lot of sensitive applications. But, these applications found in the environments where there are adversaries act to limit or prevent an accurate performance and destroy the normal activity of the application system. The active learning is vulnerable in the sampling stage in an adversarial environment such as the application of intrusion detection system, and attempt to sabotage the model at this stage is the guarantee for the failure or sabotage the work of the model and inaccuracy. The aim of the attacker is to maximally increase the learned model risk. In the sampling stage, the representative or most informative instances will be selected from unlabeled data to label based on the sampling strategy, but these unlabeled data not checked before being offered to the selecting process. So, the attacker will impact this stage to misguide the active learner through polluted the unlabeled instances. The contribution to this paper is studying the effect of the attacker on the strategies that used in the selection of most informative instances in active learning for network intrusion detection and whether the effect varies depending on the strategy that used. The experimental results showed that the expected model change strategy not significantly affected by the attack compared with other strategies.

A Case Study: Risk Rating Methodology for E-Governance Application Security Risks

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Case Study

A Case Study: Risk Rating Methodology for E-Governance Application Security Risks

B. S. Kumar*, V. Sridhar**, K. R. Sudhindra***
* Scientist `F', Electronics Test and Development Centre (ETDC), Bangalore, India.
** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.
*** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, B M S College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnadaka, India.
Kumar, B. S., Sridhar, Sudhindra, K. R. (2019). A Case Study: Risk Rating Methodology for E-Governance Application Security Risks, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 39-44.


Over the last few years, e governance in India has made rapid progress and adopted global best practices in terms of citizen-centricity, reach, connectivity, efficiency, transparency, accountability and availability. Multiple modes and ease of access, seamless connectivity and availability, user friendliness and efficiency of e-governance services have opened up avenues making e-governance services most prone to serious security risks. International trends and domestic experiences show that the e-governance services are constant targets of organized crime by hackers and prominent government sites are being probed daily. The security threat landscape for e-governance applications constantly changes and new type of vulnerabilities keeps manifesting. In today's race to build cutting-edge e-governance business solutions, web applications are being developed and deployed with lesser attention to critical and widespread security threats. The government can no longer afford to tolerate security issues with high risk values, which could hinder delivery of services and impact the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. To mitigate with appropriate countermeasures and security controls, it is required to evaluate and estimate risks associated with e-governance applications security issues that can be exploited. In this context, this paper outlines the risk rating methodology from e-governance perspective to estimate risk associated with security issues at application layer that are critical and widespread.

A Review on Software Testing and its Methodology

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Review Paper

A Review on Software Testing and its Methodology

Jannat Ahmad*, Abu ul Hassan**, Tahreem Naqvi***, Tayyaba Mubeen****
*,***-**** BS, Department of Computer Science, Superior College, Lahore, Pakistan.
** Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Superior College, Lahore, Pakistan.
Ahmad, J., Hassan, A. U., Naqvi, T., Mubeen, T. (2019). A Review on Software Testing and its Methodology, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 32-38.


Software Testing is very important and time intense portion of the software development life cycle as its persistence is to perceive failures in software, so that flaws may be improved and adjusted at the initial stage. Software Testing is a practice for approving that the product/software/program, that has been developed by programmers/coder, is an excellent or quality creation and to guarantee that the synthetic product is functioning and agreeing to the requirement, satisfying the consumer/client needs. There are many approaches to software testing. Testing is a procedure of training a program with precise intent of discovering errors before preceding its delivery to end user. Software Testing is the method of performing a program to locate an error. This paper defines generally used software testing techniques for identifying error and they are white box testing, black box testing and grey box testing. Software testing, in cooperation in terms of quality excellence and consistency, is very essential. In this article, authors describe the testing software and its objectives and testing altered software, debugging software. After a full explanation of software testing, test methods include Black Box and White Box and Gray Box delivered and the variances and advantages and disadvantages of the three methods calculated. And well methods have acknowledged three methods of software testing.

Development of Pre-Admission Examination Learning and Practicing Software for Prospective Students of Federal University of Technology, Minna

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Research Paper

Development of Pre-Admission Examination Learning and Practicing Software for Prospective Students of Federal University of Technology, Minna

O. A. Abisoye*, A. Thomas**, B. O. Abisoye***
* Department of Computer Science, SICT Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
** PG Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
***Department of Computer Engineering, SEET Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
Abisoye, O. A., Thomas, B. A., Abisoye, B. O. (2019). Development of Pre-Admission Examination Learning and Practicing Software for Prospective Students of Federal University of Technology, Minna, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 24-31.


The undue anxiety of students towards examination being conducted using Computer Base Testing System (CBTS) has led to the introduction of computer base mock examination; a way of familiarizing students with CBT platform before attempting the main examination. The current system is plagued with applicants traveling from various location to a Computer Base Testing Center to take part in a short-lived mock examination in order to familiarize them with the CBT platform; most of the applicants do not have access to the CBT software which is not available online; it has been argued that a thirty-minute brief mock test is not adequate enough to familiarize the use of CBT for some of the candidates. This paper is proposing the development of Online Pre-admission Examination Learning and Practicing Software (ELPS) for the prospective students of Federal University of Technology, Minna. The proposed system will be implemented using Microsoft Visual Studio. Net, Integrated Development Environment. The proposed web based application will be highly user-friend and self-intuitive to help applicants in learning and practicing the computer based test questions from anywhere, any time.

An Intelligent Crypto-Locker Ransomware Detection Technique using Support Vector Machine Classification and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithms

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Research Paper

An Intelligent Crypto-Locker Ransomware Detection Technique using Support Vector Machine Classification and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithms

Abdullahi Mohammed Maigida*, Shafi’i Muhammad Abdulhamid**, Morufu Olalere***, Idris Ismaila****
*-**-***-****Lecturer, Department of Cyber Security Science, Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria.
Maigida, A. M., Abdulhamid, S. M., Olalere, M., Ismaila, I. (2019). An Intelligent Crypto-Locker Ransomware Detection Technique using Support Vector Machine Classification and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithms, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 15-23.


Ransomware is advanced malicious software which comes in different forms, with the intention to attack and take control of basic infrastructures and computer systems. The majority of these threats are meant to extort money from their victims by asking for a ransom in exchange for decryption keys. Most of the techniques deployed to detect this could not completely prevent ransomware attacks because of its obfuscation techniques. In this research work, an intelligent crypto-locker ransomware detection technique using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm is proposed to overcome the malware obfuscation technique because of its ability to learn, train and fit dataset based on the observed features. The proposed technique has shown remarkable prospects in detecting cryptolocker ransomware attacks with high true positive and low false positive rate.

Development of a Secured E-Voting System With OTP as Second Order Authentication

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Research Paper

Development of a Secured E-Voting System With OTP as Second Order Authentication

Habu J. Salami*, O. S. Adebayo**, A. O. Isah***, K. H. Lawal****, John K. Alhassan*****
*Information Technology Services, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
**,***,***** Department of Cyber Security Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
**** Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Salami, H. J., Adebayo, O. S., Isah, A. O., Lawal, K. H., Alhassan, J. K. (2019). Development of a Secured E-Voting System With OTP as Second Order Authentication, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 7-14.


Electronic voting has become the most preferred and generally acceptable voting method in the 21st century. Advanced and developed countries are constantly reviewing their e-voting systems. However, the cyber security problem associated with the e-voting system has been giving concerns to cyber security experts and researchers. The authentication methods employed in existing e-voting system is for a voter to input a unique identification number that has been assigned after accreditation. This is to confirm of the voter's details in the voter registration data base. This paper seeks to develop a secured e-voting system that integrates a second order authentication in the form of One-Time Password to again confirm the voters' details in the registration data base before voting is allowed. Java programming language was employed in coding the OTP algorithm into the existing e-voting system algorithm. The e-voting system is more secure with this work.

Requirement Formalization for Model Checking using Extended Backus Naur Form

Volume 13 Issue 3 January - March 2019

Research Paper

Requirement Formalization for Model Checking using Extended Backus Naur Form

E. O. Aliyu*, O. S. Adewale**, A. O. Adetunmbi***, B. A. Ojokoh****
* Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Nigeria.
** Dean and Professor, Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria.
*** Professor, Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria.
**** Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria.
Aliyu, E. O., Adewale, O. S., Adetunmbi, A. O., Ojokoh, B. A. (2019). Requirement Formalization for Model Checking using Extended Backus Naur Form, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 1-6.


Describing the structure of a language using rewriting rules in verifying requirements and design is still a vivid area of research. The authors describe the grammar formalism Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) to specify the 'if' single block construct with respect to assignment and relational operators as well as Switch, For loop, Do-while, and While loop statement to ensure program free flow. This aim to ensure correctness in the grammar rule for selective and iterative construct to parse C++ programs. The grammar describes the actions a parser must take to parse a string of tokens correctly.

Design and Investigation of a Record System using Hash Collision Resolving Techniques: A Case Study

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

Design and Investigation of a Record System using Hash Collision Resolving Techniques: A Case Study

Jacob John*, Shaik Naseera**
* UG Scholar, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
John, J., Naseera, S. (2018). Design and Investigation of a Record System using Hash Collision Resolving Techniques: A Case Study, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 37-43.


With an increasing demand to structure data for efficient access in large data warehouses, hash tables serve as an efficient way for the implementing dictionaries by providing with keys to values of the dictionary. However, such algorithms tend to get computationally expensive due to collisions in a hashing (or hash) table. A searching in the hash table under reasonable assumptions, could take an expected time of O(1) (Aspnes, 2015). Although, in practice, when hashing performs extremely well, it could take as long as a linked list in a worst case scenario, which is O(n) (Sing & Garg, 2009). Collision occurs when two keys hash to the same slot or value. The purpose of this article is to research and provide a comparative study on the different hashing techniques and then implement a suitable one for a banking record system scenario.

Students’ Performance Evaluation and Analysis

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

Students’ Performance Evaluation and Analysis

Bhavani Rachakatla*, B. Srinivasu**, Ch. Prasanna Laxmi***, Sana Thasleem****
*,***-**** Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
** Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Rachakatla, B., Srinivasu, B., Laxmi, P. C. H., Thasleem, S. (2018). Students Performance Evaluation and Analysis, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 29-36.


This paper aims to reduce the manual work involved in the performance evaluation and analysis of students, by automating the process right from retrieval of results to pre-processing, segregating, and storing them into a database. The authors also aim to perform analysis on huge amounts of data effectively and facilitate easy retrieval of various types of information related to students' performance. They aim to achieve this through Python, Crawlers, and other Database tools. Further, a scope is given to establish to data warehouse wherein, data mining techniques can be applied to perform various kinds of analyses, creating a knowledge base and use it further for prediction purposes.

Recover the Missing Data in IoT by Edge Analytics

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

Recover the Missing Data in IoT by Edge Analytics

Jodi lakshmi*, B. Lalitha**
*PG Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lakshmi, J., Lalitha, B. (2018). Recover the Missing Data in IoT by Edge Analytics, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 25-28.


Due to advancements in information technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been emerging as the next big move in our daily lives. The IOT is rapidly transforming into a highly heterogeneous ecosystem that provides interoperability among different types of devices and communication technologies. The proposed system for recovery of incomplete sensed data by using IOT. So, to recognize and identify all the data automatically IoT requires new solutions for the different physical objects into a global ecosystem. IOT applications collect huge amount of data from all connected sensors. IOT recovers the missing data from IOT sensors by utilizing data from related sensors. To recover missing data an algorithm MapR Edge is introduced. MapR Edge more powerful clustering algorithm which has the ability to send data back to cloud for a faster and more significant data. In this project only three nodes are being used where automatically computations are performed at the sensor, where each sensor is connected independently to the cloud. Whenever the data crosses its destiny value at the nodes, that particular data will be sent to the cloud server. Missing values can be estimated from neighboring nodes.

Testing Connect Automated Technologies

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

Testing Connect Automated Technologies

Sonia Bhargava*, Priyanka Bhatewara Jain**
*M.Tech (S.E), Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
**Research Scholar, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Bhargava, S., Jain, P. B. (2018). Testing Connect Automated Technologies, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 18-24.


It is very important to have quality software. This means that quality should meet many requirements, such as keeping the GUI simple to use, including faults and failures, and so on. A fruitful effort is needed to make this quality a reasonable standard. Testing is one of the most significant part of quality assurance, especially during the development phase. As the development of the program is coming to an end, fixing the errors becomes more difficult, and in fact it developsharder to find the errors. This may mean checking each part during development to find and fix errors before affecting on to the subsequent stage. In this paper, we have discussed the features of different automated software testing tools. In brief, we have obtainable a comprehensive explanation concentrating on numerous feature set, efficiency, easiness and usability of each tool.

ReQueclass: A Framework for Classifying Requirement Elicitation Questions Based on Kipling's Technique and Zachman's Enterprise Framework - A Guide for Software Requirement Engineers

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

ReQueclass: A Framework for Classifying Requirement Elicitation Questions Based on Kipling's Technique and Zachman's Enterprise Framework - A Guide for Software Requirement Engineers

Salihu Abdulkadir*, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu**
* Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
** School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Abdulkadir, S., & Aliyu, H. O. (2018). Requeclass: A Framework for Classifying Requirement Elicitation Questions Based on Kipling's Technique and Zachman's Enterprise Framework, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 9-17.


At present, interview is still considered one of the pragmatic approaches to gathering software requirements from the different stakeholders in a software project. Despite unrelenting efforts by researchers, requirements gathered using this method still suffer anomalies such as inconsistency and incompleteness; this problem is partly due to communication gaps between Requirement Engineers (RE) and project stakeholders and partly due to the RE directing some questions to the wrong persons. This paper proposes a framework, which mirrors the Zachman's Enterprise Framework to systematically classify requirement interview questions and assign different question categories to appropriate persons in a disciplined way. A working software project is used as an example to illustrate the use of the framework.

Development of Food Informatics Software: A mineral Deficiency Disease – Food Guide System

Volume 13 Issue 2 October - December 2018

Research Paper

Development of Food Informatics Software: A mineral Deficiency Disease – Food Guide System

R. B. Salau *, M. N. Hasan**
*Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
**Department of Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Salau, R. B., & Hasan, M. N. (2018). Development of Food Informatics Software: A Mineral Deficiency Disease - Food Guide System, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(2), 1-8.


MDD-FG System is informatics software developed to enlighten the public about the use of food in the management of mineral deficiency diseases. The mineral content of Malaysian foods is correlated with standard dietary benchmarks. It is constructed based on knowledge database and rule-based data mining principle of simple expert system. Software framework of the system is built with Microsoft Windows 8.1 environment and Visual Studio 2013. The minimum hardware installation requirements include: IntelR Core TM processor, 0.5 – 1.0 GHz processor speed, RAM of 1 Gigabyte and 500 Megabyte HDD Space. The database was designed in Microsoft SQL server. The data are sourced primarily from ICPMS elemental analysis of food contents. The secondary data of minerals and diseases were obtained from the literature and dietary allowances from Malaysian and WHO dietary benchmarks. The system user interface launches home page that displays the MDD-FG in text and graphic illustration. The title-bar displays 'welcome' on the home page window. The three accessible commands in the menu bar are “File”, “View” and “About”. The “View” contains three paths. These are “Food Dishes”, “Mineral Elements” and “Deficiency Diseases”. The six “View” sub-path interfaces are Foods/Diseases Foods/Elements, Diseases/Foods, Diseases/Elements, Elements/Foods and Elements/Diseases. The internal features and system units indicated normal behavior upon white and black box testing. End user response survey was conducted. The software was adjudged user friendly, acceptable and efficient.

Users' Experience Protagonist and Non-Functional Requirements for Different Group of Peoples- A Study Paper

Volume 13 Issue 1 July - September 2018

Research Paper

Users' Experience Protagonist and Non-Functional Requirements for Different Group of Peoples- A Study Paper

Murali*, Karthick**, Balaji Saravanan***
*-**-*** Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Murali, Karthick, Saravanan, B. (2018). Users' Experience Protagonist and Non-Functional Requirements for Different Group of Peoples- A Study Paper. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 43-47.


Software engineering may look like an old term, but the process to be followed to develop a product follows the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method always for a successful product in the market. Succeeding in the market is always a tough task. Though one satisfies all the functional requirements of a client as a product development company, they need to move our focus more on the non-functional requirements and the users' experience. Only then, the product will do wonders in the market. In this paper, the authors propose a successful software model with users' experience as a key factor and also users' view on the product, where all the terms come under non-functional requirement.

Identification of Most Significant Parameter for Optimizing the Performance of RPL Routing Protocol in IoT Using Taguchi Design of Experiments

Volume 13 Issue 1 July - September 2018

Research Paper

Identification of Most Significant Parameter for Optimizing the Performance of RPL Routing Protocol in IoT Using Taguchi Design of Experiments

Chandra Sekhar Sanaboina*, Pallamsetty Sanaboina**
* Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Sanaboina, C. S., Sanaboina, P. (2018). Identification of Most Significant Parameter for Optimizing the Performance of RPL Routing Protocol in IoT Using Taguchi Design of Experiments. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 31-42.


Internet of Things (IoT) consists of a wide variety of devices with limited power sources. Due to the adhered reason, energy consumption is considered as one of the major challenges in the IoT environment. In this research article, an attempt is made to optimize the existing Routing Protocol (RPL) towards a green technology. It focuses on finding the most significant parameter in the RPL using Taguchi Design of Experiments. It emphasizes the effects of five input factors Network Size, Mobility Speed, DIO_DOUBLING, DIO_MIN_INTERVAL and Redundancy Constant on only one output parameter Power Consumption. The findings show that DIO_MIN_INTERVAL is the leading factor that has a significant effect on the power consumption in RPL. After determining the most significant factor that affects the power consumption, measures can be taken to optimize the performance of RPL by applying some optimization techniques. COOJA simulator is used to carry out the simulations required for this research article.

A Proposal for a Mobile Platform for a Knowledge-Based Integrated Proxy Network Embedded in a Real-Time Data Center

Volume 13 Issue 1 July - September 2018

Research Paper

A Proposal for a Mobile Platform for a Knowledge-Based Integrated Proxy Network Embedded in a Real-Time Data Center

Dax H. Bradley*
Department of Industrial Technology, Johnston Community College, USA.
Bradley, D. H. (2018). A Proposal for a Mobile Platform for a Knowledge-Based Integrated Proxy Network Embedded in a Real-Time Data Center. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 22-30.


In recent years, the concept of asset life extension has become increasingly important in a safety critical environment. All agents acting in a complex system act in their capacity to create a positive outcome for the organization and tasks at hand using available data and history. Decision-making tools in such areas as telecommunications, healthcare, and utility industries play an integral part in the establishment and maintenance of such environments. A broad range of potential errors, both technical and human, contribute to resolutions which may be less-then-optimal, leading to loss of resources, including time, money, and in severe situations, human life. With greater access to available data, a higher the potential for positive outcomes in decision-making is made possible. The goal is to produce an examination of the available tools in machine learning and algorithm design which aid in decision-making. The strengths and weaknesses of network architectures and algorithmic models is discussed, followed by conclusions and proposed solutions for improved efficiency and access to appropriate information systems.

Implications for Product Design and Industry 4.0

Volume 13 Issue 1 July - September 2018

Research Paper

Implications for Product Design and Industry 4.0

Tom Page*
Associate Professor, Department of Product Design, Nottingham Trent University, England.
Thorsteinsson, G. and Page, T. (2018). The Evolution Of 3d Printing And Industry 4.0.i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 14(1), 9-21.


Increases in workplace productivity and their benefits have been documented since pre-civilisation with similar observable effects to date. Whilst such productivity increases lead to far better product output they have also historically displaced surplus labour into other new innovative forms of labour. Industry 4.0 seeks to once again causes weeping increases to productivity with large disagreement as to whether the effects of “the fourth industrial revolution” will be comparable to that witnessed over the previous century. This research investigates whether or not industry 4.0 will create secondary factors that affect the working environment that designers operate within. The arguments surrounding future labour opportunity and how current labour may be affected by industry 4.0 will be examined and compared to primary research findings in order to make any conclusions about the state of manufacture, white collar work, industry geography, labour opportunity and the designer’s individual roles.

Smart Graphical User Interface for Wireless Sensor Network

Volume 13 Issue 1 July - September 2018


Smart Graphical User Interface for Wireless Sensor Network

Prashant V. Mane-Deshmukh*
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Commerce and Science, Hadapsar, India.
Mane-Deshmukh, P. V. (2018). Smart Graphical User Interface for Wireless Sensor Network. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 1-8.


The Wireless Sensor Network is widely utilized technology in different sectors for collection of process field data and to control same. In a wireless sensor network the data acquisition and presentation play an important role in the signal monitoring and control system. Considering such facts, The Smart Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed to demonstrate collected data at the base station from distributed sensor nodes, in a user friendly format and preserve the data of collected by, the sensor network for industrial application. Moreover, the smart GUI is developed to indicate faulty nodes and localize the sensor nodes from base station. Furthermore, the GUI is designed to achieve the goals such as like energy efficiency and database security. The details regarding the design and implementation of the GUI are discussed in this paper.

Performance Analysis of WRW Background Model Based GMM with other Algorithms for Tracking Humans in Surveillance Videos

Volume 12 Issue 4 April - June 2018

Research Paper

Performance Analysis of WRW Background Model Based GMM with other Algorithms for Tracking Humans in Surveillance Videos

Harihara Santosh Dadi*, Gopala Krishna Mohan Pillutla**, Madhavi Latha Makkena***
* Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Aditya Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
*** Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Telangana, India.
Santosh, H. D., Mohan, G.K., Makkena, M. L. (2018). Performance Analysis of WRW Background model based GMM with other algorithms for tracking humans in surveillance videos. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 12(4), 32-42.


A new algorithm for tracking humans in surveillance videos is introduced in this paper. The human head and foot point are first identified by using color and shape based human detection algorithm. These annotations are taken as input for the proposed tracking algorithm. The number of past pixels taken for modelling the present pixel in Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is modified in this algorithm. The Weighted Running Window (WRW) is used in choosing the past pixels. The number of past pixels is limited and also more weightages is given to the immediate past pixel, thereby reducing the time taken for tracking. Different tracking parameters are used for comparing the proposed algorithm with other existing algorithm. Performance results show that the proposed algorithm is out performing when compared with the other existing algorithms for human tracking. Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS) 2009 View 1 dataset is taken for conducting the experiment.

Top Hill Method – A new Sorting Approach to Reduce Execution Time

Volume 12 Issue 4 April - June 2018

Research Paper

Top Hill Method – A new Sorting Approach to Reduce Execution Time

Debabrat Bharali*, Sandeep Kumar Sharma**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Asam Down Town University, Guwahati, Assam, India.
** Assistant Professor, Poornima University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Bharali, D., Sharma, S. K. (2018). Top Hill Method – A new Sorting Approach to Reduce Execution Time. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 12(4), 28-31.


The main objective of the proposed Top Hill method is to decrease the time of insertion. Sorting is done by using the pivot method of quick sort, binary searching, and doubly linked list. By using all these method in a combination, the proposed method can sort real time data and increase the size of the list with the worst case of O(n).

An Empirical Study of Bad Smells during Software Evolution Using Designite Tool

Volume 12 Issue 4 April - June 2018

Research Paper

An Empirical Study of Bad Smells during Software Evolution Using Designite Tool

Mamdouh Alenezi*, Mohammad Zarour**
* Chief Information & Technology Officer (CITO), Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
** Faculty Member, Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alenezi, M., Zarour, M.(2018). An Empirical Study of Bad Smells during Software Evolution Using Designite Tool. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 12(4), 12-27.


Bad smells are not uncommon in software systems. Such problems arise as a result of incomplete, inconsistent or incorrect requirements followed, accordingly, by bad design decisions which travel to the construction phase ending up with malfunctioning software. Such problems are expected to be handled and resolved during the evolution of the software which may result in more complicated systems that are difficult to maintain, and the software starts aging. Various tools are available to help in uncovering, analyzing and visualizing various bad smells. Once the bad smells are uncovered, a remedial action should be taken such as refactoring. One of the new tools to detect and measure a big number of bad smells is Designite. In this paper, we use Designite to analyze six open source systems and see if bad smells are resolved while software is evolving or systems keep stinking. We found that software quality, in terms of resolving bad smells, gained less focus as the software evolves on the expense of focusing on adaptive and corrective actions and that would keep the software stinking. We also discussed some recommendations on how to reduce bad smells during the software process and some other recommendations to enhance the Designite tool.

Providing Confidentiality using Bio Metrics

Volume 12 Issue 4 April - June 2018


Providing Confidentiality using Bio Metrics

Tella Prameela*, Tejasree Samakoti**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Siddhartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, VEMU Institute of Technology, Pakala, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Prameela, T., Samakoti, T. (2018). Providing Confidentiality Using Bio Metrics i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 12(4), 7-11.


Now-a-days, every organization and institution provides security for their users. There are different systems are available for providing security and identifying of employees of the desired organization. No one is stick on one system for providing security. Every system having some disadvantages. Compared to the other systems most of the confidential organizations uses the biometric system for providing security and recognition. This paper depicts about the biometric system clearly with many types, steps involved in this system, advantages and disadvantages and finally applications.