Vol. 5 No. 4
Year: 2011
Issue: April-June
Title: Patching: A Techniques for Fixing Errors
Author Name: Sashi Tarun, R. Bhardwaj , Uma Bhardwaj
Synopsis :
When the software is delivered or installed and is operational at customer’s site, different problems exist in the form of errors or bugs (design errors, logic errors and coding errors). Maintenance of software life cycle is said to be very time-consuming and expensive process incurring 30%-70% cost during the software development cycle phase because it affects the other product modules also. It is the step towards more enhancements to increase the capabilities of the software by eliminating obsolete capabilities and make the product error free. It shows a team effort of different members of the development team to handle any of the tasks, when any issue or requirement arises from regular users for fulfilling their requirements. In this paper, the focus is placed on various truths, needs, issues and how patching- an adhoc emergency small program, fixes the problems using available software maintenance tools and slicing technique. The problem arises in the form of ripple effects, in front of whole development team engaged in life cycle model. The Ripple Effects change the whole picture of the product.
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