Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Fuzzy logic integration in the multi-criteria support decision

Vol. 3 No.1
Year: 2008
Issue: Jul-Sep
Title: Fuzzy logic integration in the multi-criteria support decision   
Author Name: Raouf Ketata, Hajer Ben Mahmoud, Taieb Ben Romdhane   
This paper presents a methodology based on the integration of the fuzzy logic to solve multi-selection problem. To this end, it took the introduction of fuzzy logic at the multi-criteria methods taking into account the limitations. This turn gave birth to a fuzzy new approach based on combination of the multi-criteria method “Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process” (FAHP) and the “Goal Programming” (GP) in order to take into account at the same time the quantitative and qualitative factors and the reliability. Better yet, bearing in mind the reliability concept and fuzzy constraints, we were proposed to introduce fuzzy logic at the GP method. This gave birth to the “Fuzzy Goal Programming” (FGP). This logic has also been integrated into a System Aid Decision (SAD) based on fuzzy expert system. Indeed, the fuzzy expert system thus obtained helps the user's in making the decision without much care for the method to be used. Two numerical examples in two different sectors are presented to illustrate this new approach which includes the fuzzy expert system. The achieved results have shown the importance of the integration of fuzzy logic in the classical multi-criteria methods.


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