Monday, 17 March 2014

The Software Architecture Towards Performance Evolution

Vol. 8 No. 1

Year: 2013

Issue : Jul-Sep

Title : The Software Architecture Towards Performance Evolution

Author Name : R. AROUL CANESSANE, Dr.S.Srinivasan

Synopsis :

Performance of a system is one of the key factors to be considered while building a system, due to the system characteristics such as code mobility, platform heterogeneity and distributed deployment. The decisions that are taken at the time of creating software architectural design have a major impact on the resulting system. Some of the performance indices are mostly hidden. The authors have proposed a design Framework which uses an iterative method for evaluating and also transforming software architecture until the performance indices are satisfied. There are several methodologies proposed for automating the software- hardware models to a performance models. The framework provides a set of resource models, annotations and the integration procedures which supports simulation and makes the performance analysis easier. They have presented the results from a SmartHome system which shows the stability of our approach.

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A New Model For E-Business Performance Testing

Vol. 8 No. 1

Year: 2013

Issue : Jul-Sep

Title : A New Model For E-Business Performance Testing

Author Name : PUTTUMBAKU CHITTI BABU, K.C.K. Bharathi , J. Shaik Mohamed

Synopsis :

The extraordinary growth in the World Wide Web has been sweeping through business and industry. By using web technologies many companies have developed or integrated their critical applications. Testing web applications become crucial, particularly as performance of web applications become complex. Performance of many Web sites depends on the load on the site at peak time under varying conditions. Performance testing is normally conducted with the help of performance testing tools in a reasonable simulated environment. As user is the ultimate judge for the success of web site. Performance perceived by the user is most crucial. Due to complexity of web site, it is not possible to draw a common denominator for user perception of the Web site and designer's viewpoint. It is necessary to analyze the users perceptions and modulate to fit into the designer's shoes in such circumstance. This paper proposes a new model, which enforces the designer to incorporate the users perception by projecting and modulating the perceptions. Later, the designer would consider the projected perceptions during the performance testing without diluting the reliability.

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Role Of Software Re-Engineering Through C To Java Conversion

Vol. 8 No. 1

Year: 2013

Issue : Jul-Sep

Title : Role Of Software Re-Engineering Through C To Java Conversion


Synopsis :

Re-engineering is used to support evolutionary maintenance and it is most widely used in modern software development. The Re-engineering occurs at two level of abstraction: at business level and at software level. The term maintenance should be replaced by “re-engineering” or renovation or reclamation because it not only recovers information from existing system but uses this information to alter or reconstitute the existing system in an effect to improve its overall quality. The source code translation is one of the main tasks in software reengineering which is based on source to source transformation which plays an important role. If we want to migrate a procedural language into object oriented programming language because of its reusability of code, the code conversion is necessary due to hardware platform update, staff skill shortage and organization changes.

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Software Quality Prediction Of Object Oriented Software In Successive Releases Through Multiple Classifiers

Vol. 8 No. 1

Year: 2013

Issue : Jul-Sep

Title : Software Quality Prediction Of Object Oriented Software In Successive Releases Through Multiple Classifiers

Author Name : Dharmendra Lal Gupta, Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya

Synopsis :

In this paper the comparative analysis of a java based text editor jEdit and all its successive releases has been done. Different machine learning classifiers have been used to get findings in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-measure and AUC values. Based on all performance measures it is concluded that the bugs are decreasing release by release and quality is increasing as well. The authors have used WEKA a machine learning tool for finding and analysing of the results.

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Performance Evaluation Of Fuzzy Voters Used In Safety Critical Systems

Vol. 8 No. 1

Year: 2013

Issue : Jul-Sep

Title : Performance Evaluation Of Fuzzy Voters Used In Safety Critical Systems

Author Name : Phani Kumar, SeethaRamaiah Panchumarthy , Anu Gokhale

Synopsis :

The main objective of this research paper is to design a self configurable dynamic fuzzy voter that can be used in the NModular Redundant (NMR) systems to mask the fault and exhibit better safety performance. Proposed dynamic voter can configure itself for the changing data of any range and changing deviations in the redundant module outputs due to the changes in the operational modes of the safety- critical embedded systems while in operation. In this paper, existing fuzzy voters are extensively surveyed and the merits and demerits or limitations are discussed. The major limitation observed in the existing fuzzy voters is the preselected optimal static fuzzy parameter selection technique. Preselected optimal fuzzy parameters may work for only specific ranges of data and specific amount of deviations among the redundant modules outputs of NMR systems but fail for the changing data ranges and deviations conditions. A dynamic fuzzy parameter selection method using statistical parameters on the local data in each voting cycle is proposed in this paper and applied to the existing static fuzzy voters. Static and dynamic versions of the fuzzy voters are empirically evaluated for 10,000 voting cycles and safety performance is plotted. Dynamic voters have shown improved safety performance compared to their static counterparts and are more useful for the changing operational modes and conditions.

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